linkhut is a project that stems from a passion for knowledge organization and sharing that dates back to the early days of Delicious. The progressive demise of Delicious left a noticeable gap in the digital landscape, leaving users scrambling to find a suitable alternative. This inspired me to address the absence of an open-source alternative. It became evident that relying solely on propietary platforms for something as crucial as social bookmarking posed a risk to the longevity and accessibility of these services, which are, in a sense, a public good. Thus since 2009, I’ve embarked on numerous on-and-off attempts to create such open-source alternative.

The resulting platform is a labor of love, born out of a deep-seated belief in the power of collective intelligence and the democratization of information. By providing an open-source solution, users are empowered to take control of their data, customize their experience, and contribute to the ongoing improvement of the platform.

But this project is not just about filling a void; it’s about creating a community. I envision a vibrant ecosystem where users can seamlessly discover, organize, and share content while fostering meaningful connections with like-minded individuals. Join me on this journey as we redefine the way we bookmark, collaborate, and learn together. Together, we can build a more interconnected and informed world, one bookmark at a time.